Friday 7 March 2014

Brief Idea For A Questionnaire

This is the first idea for my questionnaire on my target audience. I think it will probably need improvements, but I have aimed it at people who listen to rock music. I will test it on a few people at first and ask them for criticism for my final questionnaire. 

Article Analysis

In today's lesson, we looked at how to analyse a magazine article in depth. We had an article from Lily Allen and in this we had to pick out: rhetorical questions, personal pronouns, cliches, jargon, taboo language, swearing, formal and informal language, humor and punctuation. After we had picked all of these features, we had to explain what effect they had on the reader and why the writer of the article decided to use these. For example, the use of jargon like 'record' and 'musician' reinforces that it is an article about music. It also emphasizes the relationship with the reader because they know what the words mean, compared to a person that doesn't read music magazines. Jargon also assumes that the reader has an in-depth knowledge about music. As well as this article, I will further analyse more articles so I have an idea of what to include in my own article. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Image Analysis

During today's lesson, we analysed: front cover, contents page and double page spread images. In particular, we focused on a magazine called 'Clash' which featured Pete Doherty. The thing that I liked most and will use in my own magazine was the gradual revealing of Pete's body from the close up on the front cover, to the long shot on the double page spread. I think this worked really well because the reader can feel like they are really getting to know him in depth as he is slowly revealing himself to the audience. Also, all of the photo's were taken during the same shoot so there is consistency within the colour scheme; this again makes all three images connect.