Friday 7 March 2014

Brief Idea For A Questionnaire

This is the first idea for my questionnaire on my target audience. I think it will probably need improvements, but I have aimed it at people who listen to rock music. I will test it on a few people at first and ask them for criticism for my final questionnaire. 

Article Analysis

In today's lesson, we looked at how to analyse a magazine article in depth. We had an article from Lily Allen and in this we had to pick out: rhetorical questions, personal pronouns, cliches, jargon, taboo language, swearing, formal and informal language, humor and punctuation. After we had picked all of these features, we had to explain what effect they had on the reader and why the writer of the article decided to use these. For example, the use of jargon like 'record' and 'musician' reinforces that it is an article about music. It also emphasizes the relationship with the reader because they know what the words mean, compared to a person that doesn't read music magazines. Jargon also assumes that the reader has an in-depth knowledge about music. As well as this article, I will further analyse more articles so I have an idea of what to include in my own article. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Image Analysis

During today's lesson, we analysed: front cover, contents page and double page spread images. In particular, we focused on a magazine called 'Clash' which featured Pete Doherty. The thing that I liked most and will use in my own magazine was the gradual revealing of Pete's body from the close up on the front cover, to the long shot on the double page spread. I think this worked really well because the reader can feel like they are really getting to know him in depth as he is slowly revealing himself to the audience. Also, all of the photo's were taken during the same shoot so there is consistency within the colour scheme; this again makes all three images connect. 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Main Article Story

I want to photograph my friend (Holly) for the front cover and double page spread, so my article has to reflect that of a female rock musician. I'm not sure if I want her to be part of a band, or a solo artist so that will influence the story. 
If she is part of a band, her story could include why she has decided to break off from the band and produce her own music - or it could be that she was kicked out of the band and decides to go into detail about what lead to the break up.
If she is a solo artist, her story could be more personal and it could include details of how she got to where she is now, and why she wanted to do it.
Because I have been focusing on the front page of my magazine and the title/colour scheme/genre, I have only put a little bit of thought into the main article, however I do have some ideas that I can build upon when I have finished my front cover, so I am confident that I will have a good story to match the musician.

Target Audience

After researching rock magazines and finding out their target audience, I have stared to consider who I want my target audience to be. I have two options:

  • I can listen to what the statistics say and focus on males aged 20-30, as it has been found that young/middle aged male readers tend to buy and read rock magazines. The sales for rock magazines are 84% male and only 16% for female. This could be because most rock bands have male members, or because the design and colour scheme of the magazines is aimed males as its dark and grungy. 

  • I can completely go against this safe, target audience and aim my magazine and young/middle aged females. One reason I want to do this is because I want to show girls that it's fine to like rock music and to read about rock bands, without feeling judged by other people. The stereotypical view of females is that they are fragile and sensitive (which subverts the rock genre) and therefore that's why they might be embarrassed to pick up a dark coloured magazine that looks like it's for boys. 

Title Ideas

After considering my magazine genre, I have decided to start thinking of titles for my magazine that relate to the 'rock' genre. A few ideas I have are:

'WRECK' - I like this title because to 'wreck' something means to destroy it or it means destruction to an object and this title is quite 'loud' as it has a hard meaning which relates to the heavy rock music that will be in my magazine. To make this word unique to my magazine, I will put the letters 'REC' in a different colour (probably red) or font so it stands out. I want to do this because 'REC' is an abbreviation for recording, which is what artists and bands do when they make a new album or song - so this way the word directly links to my magazine about music.  

'RIOT!' - This is also a possible idea because, like the first one, it is loud and 'in your face' which reflects what type of music will be in my magazine. The word 'riot' is also in a lot of popular rock songs such as 'I Predict A Riot' by Kaiser Chiefs, the album 'Riot' by Paramore and 'Riot' by Three Days Grace. All of these songs and albums are loud and catch your attention, so I think if I titled my magazine 'RIOT!' it would reach my target audience and make them want to pick up my magazine. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Different Q Analysis

Different NME Analysis

Analysis of Q

Analysis of NME

Front Cover Analysis

As part of our research we were asked to analysis 5 different magazine covers of our chosen genre, which I have done to magazines such as: Kerrang!, Q and NME.

Different Genre Front Covers

I researched different genre magazines and found a front cover for each of them. After looking at all of the different magazine covers, I decided that I want to narrow my focus on rock/indie magazines such as: Q, NME and Kerrang!

Genre Research

R&B – Vibe, Billboard, Beatz, JAM – Most are either very bright or dark, the main image stands out and covers most of the front page, the target audience would probably be teenagers/young adults based on the colloquial language used.

Dance – Mixmag, Djmag, Attack – Typically show an ‘exciting picture’ on the front cover (E.G strobe lights, model posed in a dance position), colours used are bright and rich like gold and silver, target audience would probably be young adults as a lot  of the features are in nightclubs and that is also where dance music is played.

Classical – Classic Music, Classical Music Magazine, Gramophone – subtle colour schemes such as black and white which fit the ‘classical’ genre as they aren’t too vibrant and in your face, target audience is probably the older generation as a lot of the music is slow and relaxing, also use large image that covers the front page, however it is also subtle.

Rock -  Kerrang!, Classic Rock, Metal Hammer – The colour scheme is dark  and gloomy which mirrors the music, the front page is busy and full of information  such as large titles and images  so it’s ‘in your face’ , the target audience is wide however, I would say it is mainly aimed at teenagers – middle aged people, and typically male. 

Music Magazine

As part of the AS media coursework we have been asked to produce a front cover and double page spread of a music magazine. Prior to this, we made a new school magazine front page and contents page as part of the preliminary task to prepare us. I found this task fun and enjoyable as it was a new experience and I was able to test my camera work, Photoshop and InDesign skills. From the lessons we've had, I find using these programs easy as I can navigate around them and I know what I'm doing. We looked at the codes and conventions for a typical magazine so we could include them in our own. A magazine usually has: a main image that can cover the whole of the front cover, title of the magazine, catchy slogan for the magazine, competitions or giveaways, barcode, a main story title (linked to the cover photo) and smaller story titles. I used these conventions in my own school magazine which resulted in a good final piece that I was happy with. The thing I found most difficult was taking the photos as I had to find a place with sufficient lighting that was constant, and also with a background that would be easy to remove on Photoshop. Other than this, I succeeded in taking photographs that were more than acceptable for my magazine and I will learn from my mistakes for my music magazine. :) 

This is my finished front cover for my school magazine!