Thursday 27 February 2014

Target Audience

After researching rock magazines and finding out their target audience, I have stared to consider who I want my target audience to be. I have two options:

  • I can listen to what the statistics say and focus on males aged 20-30, as it has been found that young/middle aged male readers tend to buy and read rock magazines. The sales for rock magazines are 84% male and only 16% for female. This could be because most rock bands have male members, or because the design and colour scheme of the magazines is aimed males as its dark and grungy. 

  • I can completely go against this safe, target audience and aim my magazine and young/middle aged females. One reason I want to do this is because I want to show girls that it's fine to like rock music and to read about rock bands, without feeling judged by other people. The stereotypical view of females is that they are fragile and sensitive (which subverts the rock genre) and therefore that's why they might be embarrassed to pick up a dark coloured magazine that looks like it's for boys. 

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